
Quantum Neo Stack

Fully configured test station

Quantum Neo Cabinet

Test station cabinet and control system

Quantum Neo A shelf

Auto-cal Pressure Drop (RTD) and Ventilation

Quantum Neo B shelf

Pressure drop (RTD) for filters (vacuum)

Quantum Neo C Shelf

Laser diameter, circumference, and shape

Quantum Neo D shelf

Auto-cal Pressure Drop (RTD) for filters

Quantum Neo E shelf

Pressure drop (RTD) for filters (pressure)

Quantum Neo F shelf

Sorting device for user-defined parameters

Quantum Neo G shelf

Non-contact length measurement

Quantum Neo H shelf

Hardness measurement shelf

Quantum Neo H+ shelf

Extended range Hardness measurement

Quantum Neo J shelf

Auto-cal Pressure Drop and Auto-cal Vent

Quantum Neo K shelf

Moisture and Density measurement

Quantum Neo M shelf

Moisture measurement for filters

Quantum Neo N shelf

Non-contact length measurement

Quantum Neo Pz shelf

Plasticizer measurement shelf

Quantum Neo Q shelf

X-ray measurement shelf

Quantum Neo R shelf

Sorting device for user-defined parameters

Quantum Neo S shelf

Multi-position size shelf

Quantum Neo S+ shelf

Extended Multi-position size shelf

Quantum Neo T shelf

Circumference Tape measurement

Quantum Neo U shelf

Moisture, density and length measurement

Quantum Neo V shelf

Pressure Drop (RTD) and Ventilation

Quantum Neo W shelf

Individual weight shelf

Quantum Neo X shelf

Auto-cal individual weight shelf

Quantum Neo Y shelf

End-form analysis shelf

Quantum Neo Z shelf

Extended position laser size shelf

Quantum Neo Autohopper

Multi-batch hopper feeder

Quantum Neo Extended...

300-Sampler hopper feeder

Quantum Neo Autosampler

Autosampler filter feeding system 

Quantum Neo Pick-up Probe

Automatic sample pick-up device